Top tips to keep uPVC multi-point locks working and secure

New multi point door lock fitted to a composite door by our Middlesbrough locksmith

Our top tips covers the following:

What are Multi-point Locks and why maintain them?

Multi-point locks are fitted to all uPVC, composite and some timber doors. They use a series of locking points to create a secure multi-point locking system which in most cases is activated by lifting the door handle.

Although they undergo rigorous testing to provide a certain amount of trouble-free working time, the intricate nature of their design means without proper maintenance faults can occur. The central gearbox if not looked after will eventually fail and break, so it is important to carry out regular maintenance to keep everything in good working order.

Simple maintenance to prevent multi-point door lock problems

Open Door
Add oil
Catch drips
Wipe clean

One of the most important things you can do to prevent your door lock jamming is to take a few minutes every year to lubricate the locking system.

A small squirt of 3 in 1 oil, or bicycle oil, will help to lubricate the mechanism and keep it running smoothly.

  1. Simply open the door and locate the latch, in most cases it is in the centre of the door in line with the handles.
  2. Pull the handle down to retract the latch and then squirt the oil into the latch, moving the handle up and down to help the oil gradually flow down and coat all the moving parts.
  3. It is useful to place a small container at the bottom of the door to catch any excess.
  4. Leave the door for 5 minutes to let the oil work and then wipe any excess from the door strip and the bottom of the door.

Keeping your locks free from dirt and debris will also prevent any particles getting into the lock cylinder and stopping it working.

How you know your uPVC door multi-point lock is not working?

90% of all multi-point door lock problems report the handle becoming harder to lift.

If you notice your multi-point door lock is becoming:

  • Hard to use
  • Makes a noise
  • The key becomes difficult to turn
  • You are struggling to lift the handle

Then the likelihood is something within the door or lock is causing an issue which left unresolved could turn in to a bigger problem.

Most of the time it is simply the door alignment or a spring within the handle or mechanism that needs replacing but if you notice any of the above four signs then tackling it straight away will prevent the problem getting worse.

Keeping your locks secure - Why shouldn’t you leave your keys in the door?

Poorly maintained locks not only run the risk of causing costly lock failures but can also be a security hazard. Broken mechanisms or misaligned doors can make it easier for burglars to gain entry.

Make sure your multi-point door locks aren’t jammed and carry out regular maintenance to keep the mechanism working smoothly. After that, taking your keys out of your door is one of the simplest things you can do to keep your property safe. It doesn’t take a lot for a burglar to reach inside your letterbox and unhook the keys from inside and then they literally have the easiest access to your home.

If you are worried about security or looking to provide enhanced safety for your doors and windows, then consider investing in sash jammers. Sash jammers work by using uPVC levers secured to the frame which strengthen the door to prevent it being opened.

Multi-point door lock problems? When to call a locksmith

There are lots of simple things you can do yourself to prevent a multi-point lock breaking. Regular maintenance will keep the mechanisms working smoothly. However, when issues start to arise it is important to get them fixed as soon as possible. Leaving smaller problems can easily turn into costly breakdowns later on and leave your home more liable to break ins.

Look out for changes in your doors and be aware of signs that something might not be working. If in doubt it is always best to get professional advice.

At MJS Master Locksmiths in Middlesbrough we are happy to talk through any issues and help you find the right solution for you. With honest advice and upfront costs, we will let you know if simple maintenance or more in depth investigations are needed.

Visit our uPVC Door Lock Services page to find out more.