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5 Top Tips for Home Security in Winter

October 22nd, 2022|

Locking out burglars this winter with safety tips to keep your home secure Last year Middlesbrough topped the tables for break ins with more burglaries per 1,000 residents than any other UK city. During 2021, England and Wales police forces received 235,280 crime reports about burglary. Although a decrease nationally from 2020’s figure of 274,899 reports, Middlesbrough found itself the area most likely to fall foul of the crime. With 10 burglaries per 1,000 residents, you are more than twice as likely to suffer a break in in Middlesbrough than other cities. The national average is 3.9 burglaries per 1000 people. As the nights draw darker and the loud noise and nightly distractions of Halloween and Bonfire Night provide the perfect cover for intruders make sure you keep burglars locked out with these handy home safety tips. Don’t leave any easy access routes Take a few minutes to look around your property... Check that you haven’t left any bins up against fences or storage boxes which can easily be used to climb over hedges or railings. Check if [...]

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